Module containing different initial condition generators.
import numpy as np
import dynabench.grid
from typing import List
import itertools
class InitialCondition(object):
Base class for all initial conditions.
parameters : dict, default {}
Dictionary of parameters for the initial condition.
def __init__(self,
parameters: dict = {},
self.spatial_dim = 2
self.parameters = parameters
def __str__(self):
return "Initial condition base class"
def num_variables(self):
Get the number of variables.
return 1
def generate(self, grid: dynabench.grid.Grid, random_state: int = 42):
Generate the initial condition.
grid : dynabench.grid.Grid
The grid on which the initial condition is to be generated.
The initial condition.
raise NotImplementedError("The generate method must be implemented in the subclass.")
def __call__(self, grid: dynabench.grid.Grid, *args, **kwargs):
return self.generate(grid, *args, **kwargs)
class Composite(InitialCondition):
Composite initial condition generator consisting of multiple initial conditions for the same grid.
Convenience class to generate multiple initial conditions for different variables.
components : list
List of single initial conditions.
def __init__(self, *components: list):
self.components = components
def num_variables(self):
Get the number of variables.
return len(self.components)
def generate(self, grid: dynabench.grid.Grid, random_state: int = 42):
seeds = np.random.randint(0, 1e6, len(self.components))
return [component(grid, random_state=seed) for component, seed in zip(self.components, seeds)]
class Constant(InitialCondition):
Initial condition with a constant value.
value : float, default 0.0
The value of the constant.
def __init__(self, value: float = 0.0, **kwargs):
super(Constant, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return f"I(x, y) = {self.value}"
def generate(self, grid: dynabench.grid.Grid):
return self.value+np.zeros(grid.shape)
class SumOfGaussians(InitialCondition):
Initial condition generator for the sum of gaussians.
grid_size : tuple, default (64, 64)
The size of the grid.
components : int, default 1
The number of gaussian components.
zero_level : float, default 0.0
The zero level of the initial condition.
def __init__(self,
components: int = 1,
zero_level: float = 0.0,
super(SumOfGaussians, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.components = components
self.zero_level = zero_level
def __str__(self):
return "I(x, y) = sum_i A_i exp(-40(x-x_i)^2 + (y-y_i)^2)"
def generate(self, grid: dynabench.grid.Grid, random_state: int = 42):
x, y = np.meshgrid(grid.x, grid.y)
mx = [np.random.choice(grid.shape[0]) for i in range(self.components)]
my = [np.random.choice(grid.shape[1]) for i in range(self.components)]
squared_distance_to_center = (x-0.5)**2 + (y-0.5)**2
gaussian = np.exp(-40*squared_distance_to_center)
u = self.zero_level+np.zeros_like(x)
for i in range(self.components):
component = np.roll(gaussian, (mx[i],my[i]), axis=(0,1))
u = u + np.random.uniform(-1, 1) * component
return u
class WrappedGaussians(InitialCondition):
Initial condition generator for the sum of wrapped gaussians.
components : int, default 1
The number of gaussian components.
zero_level : float, default 0.0
The zero level of the initial condition.
periodic_levels : int or list, default 10
The number of periodic levels to calculate the wrapped distribution. :math:`p_w(\\theta)=\\sum_{k=-\\infty}^\\infty {p(\\theta+2\\pi k)}`
def __init__(self,
components: int = 1,
zero_level: float = 0.0,
periodic_levels: int = 10,
super(WrappedGaussians, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.components = components
self.zero_level = zero_level
self.periodic_levels = periodic_levels
def __str__(self):
return "I(x, y) = sum_i A_i exp(-40(x-x_i)^2 + (y-y_i)^2)"
def _wrapped_gaussian_2d(self, x, y, mu, sigma, limits_x = (0, 1), limits_y = (0, 1)):
def gaussian_2d(x, y, mu, sigma):
return np.exp(-((x - mu[0])**2 + (y - mu[1])**2)/(2*sigma**2))
n = self.periodic_levels
dLx = limits_x[1] - limits_x[0]
dLy = limits_y[1] - limits_y[0]
components = np.array([gaussian_2d(x, y, mu+[dLx*k_x, dLy*k_y], sigma) for k_x, k_y in itertools.product(range(-n, n+1), repeat=2)])
return components.sum(axis=0)
def generate(self, grid: dynabench.grid.Grid, random_state: int = 42):
x, y = np.meshgrid(grid.x, grid.y)
m = np.array([grid.get_random_point_within_domain() for i in range(self.components)])
u = self.zero_level+np.zeros_like(x)
for i in range(self.components):
component = self._wrapped_gaussian_2d(x, y, m[i], 0.1)
u = u + np.random.uniform(-1, 1) * component
return u